Symbolics Lisp Machine demo Jan 2013 by kalman reti notes

Posted on 2024-02-27 10:10 lisp

last in the series of guru narrations by kalman reti on genera use. he rehashes a lot of subjects he previously covered, but the core of video is loading an image and then manipulating it through indirect arrays (more...)

Genera emulator demo of smooth scrolling by kalman reti notes

Posted on 10:03 lisp

this is another guru narration by kalman repi of lisp machine use, this time the goal is produce a cute hack to autoscroll a sheet of music (more...)

SymbolicsTalk28June2012 by kalman reti notes

Posted on 09:51 lisp

Kalman Reti, the last symbolics engineer, did a series of video presentations on using genera. I had those videos laying on my desktop to watch carefully, and extract whatever useful knowledge. There's no system to the notes, it's mostly shortcuts, or snippets of code, of interest only to me. Some things I know and use already, but some were useful first exposure. (more...)

applescript from clozure

Posted on 2016-07-11 11:54 lisp, technical

when attempting to call applescript from clozure cl, there's a noticeable delay. it took me a while to remember how i solved that problem last time, so i'm keeping it here as a reminder. mac os x requires clozure application, and that presumably applies to other applications, to be signed in order to skip AS runtime validation (???). it's possible to self-sign, and avoid paying the developers' license. the procedure is exhaustively described in GNAT's documentation,


Posted on 2016-07-03 17:55 lisp

i'm trying out capi, despite being married to lispworks and generally being proprietary, it is still best available common lisp gui option.